versión en español
Virgen de la Leche.Antón Peris.Museo BBAA.Valencia.

Breastfeeding in art

Virgen de la Leche.Antón Peris.Museo BBAA.Valencia.
Prehistory . Kourotrophos
Kourotrophos: Cults and representations of the Greek nursing deities
Megara Hyblaea
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Mare de la Serreta
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Megara Hyblaea
Syracuse Museum.Italy.
Mare de la Serreta.s III b C
Alcoy Mu

The unknown artist has created an image of motherhood which is tender and personal as well as monumental . Look at the way she's holding the two babies both breasts being conveniently exposed through appropriate holes in her tunic.The mother has her right hand with her thumb playfully stroking one baby's toes, while her left give's the other twin a little extra support for his head. But there is no tension anywhere: mother and children are so totally at ease and at peace with the world.

Platelet of terracotta shaped with the representation of a central feminine figure sat in a throne, which I receive in her arms two children to which she gives the breast. Between the figures of the side left and the central image there is a small pigeon. The set Mother is interpreted as a representation of the Kourotrophos.
Sesklos Acropolis
Sesklos Acrópolis
Museum Athenes
Athens Museum 4800 bC
Bucharest Museum
Bucharest Museum 5000 bC
North Caroline Museum
Mycenaean terracotta phi-type figurine, ca. 1400-1200 bC
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