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Virgen de la Leche.Antón Peris.Museo BBAA.Valencia.

Breastfeeding in art

Virgen de la Leche.Antón Peris.Museo BBAA.Valencia.
Religious art
Virgin and Child
Virgin "Kyriotissa"

The Most Holy Mother of God Enthroned (reigning in majesty)
With the starting of the 4th century iconography starts to develop in an important way. Among the numerous reasons for this, is the coming to power of Emperor Constantin at that time (4th century) and his spectacular conversion. Christianity is made the State religion in 380, and the Church enters an era of peace. It is then that an esthetic creation is setting off that will determine art for the next centuries. A Third Ecumenic Council is held in Ephesus in 431 and proclaims Mary : Mother of God. One starts to represent the Mother of God sitting solemnly on the throne with the divine Child sitting on her lap : the Mother of God Kyriotis.

Kyriotissa.Mount Sinai Monastery

Kyriotissa. Mount Sinai.

The Virgin of Majesty or "Kyriotissa" represents a Lady and Queen.
It was a triumphal image used in apses of Byzantine churches She turns out to be seated, with a rigorously frontal attitude surrounded with saints, with her son Jesus on her knees. She has a solemn expression. Always under the same Byzantine influences, the Virgin of Majesty appears later with Maestá's name, in the Italian painting of the Trecento, transported on a throne for angels. It is enough to remember the Madonna de Cimabue, the Maestá painted by Duccio for the major altar of Siena's cathedral and Simone Martini's in Siena's Communal Palace.